building the community

Why Startups Should Get Involved in Building the Community

Why are you in the community you are in? Is it because your target demographic consumers are in surrounding neighborhoods, cheap rent, because you like the culture, or grew up in the town? Whatever your reason for choosing the location of your startup, you’re a part of a community of people connected by location, and...

online talent platforms

How Online Talent Platforms Are Changing the Way We Do Business

Over the past decade, there has been an enormous shift in the jobs landscape, with more and more people choosing to enter what we now call the gig economy. Freelancing has become highly desirable among professionals looking for more autonomy and flexibility in their work lives, while individuals looking to hire skilled professionals for...

context awareness

Why Context Awareness is the Key to a Successful Customer Service Team

As a customer, I've had quite a few customer service interactions that quickly went south. Most often, the agent simply could not make that connection with me, and the exchange pretty much ended with displeasure. Did they not understand what my question was? Were they not the best person to answer my question? How...

appreciating your team

Why Appreciating Your Team Is Good for Business

Most entrepreneurs are good at seeing opportunities and finding ways to meet needs in the marketplace. Similarly, successful leaders are adept at creating value, managing costs, and understanding their target markets. But many leaders lose sight of the #1 asset of their business and the various ways that asset can be neglected and eventually...

Benevolent Capitalism: A New Possibility for Organic Growth in Business

Benevolent Capitalism: A New Possibility for Organic Growth in Business

The words benevolent capitalism are two words you don’t typically find together. Capitalism has become something that is viewed as negative. It’s the idea of, “I am here to get my share and in order for that to happen, everyone else has to lose.” When capitalism started out, this was not what it was about. Capitalism...

Why I Used Two Different Names When I Started My Business

Why I Used Two Different Names When I Started My Business

I was both Clyde and Devin in the early days—Clyde by day, and Devin by night—to keep my day and night worlds separate. As most entrepreneurs chasing their dreams experience, sometimes the “dream” doesn’t pay the bills right out of the gate. The small parcel shipping industry has very small margins, so when I was...