Conversation at networking events

How To Keep Your Business Connections Active and Hot

In the world of entrepreneurship, business connections are key. Connections lead to community, joint ventures, and of course, prospects and clients. It’s important that we not only keep the flow of connections going but that we nurture the ones we’ve already made. That’s where most people break the cycle. We meet someone at a networking...

Got Growth Goals 8 Uncommon Areas to Assess for Your Business Growth Strategy

Got Growth Goals? 8 Uncommon Areas to Assess for Your Business Growth Strategy

As small business owners, it’s important always to be looking at where our growth will come from.  Seems obvious, but most people automatically shoot for more clients. That’s great, we all want more clients, but growth doesn’t always have to come from gaining more clients. There may come a time in your business where you...

5 Ways to Create Focus and Be More Productive in Your Business

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] Spending a set amount of time focusing on one activity to see it through to completion may seem boring, but I guarantee you that the outcome is not. The outcome is progress, which is something we all strive for. This is box title Focus is a skill you have to learn. If you’re...

3 Motivation Killers Every Entrepreneur Needs to Avoid

[content field="callout1" format="true" class="calloutwide"] One of the big challenges you face as an entrepreneur is self-motivation. I’ve been journaling on self-motivation for many years now, because I struggle with it myself. Aside from taking care of my clients and doing the things that I absolutely love to do, there’s a lot of less exciting tasks...